SKBD.SH Directed by Evgeny Nemets, Nastya Korkia Cameramen Mikhail Malyuga, Demid Malyuga Editing Evgeny Nemets Composer Nikolai Khitruk Producer Anna Bocharova
On the eve of the Olympic Games in Sochi, I wanted to bring a little sport into everyday life. Our colleagues from the MOST Creative Club decided to install a machine in the metro that would issue a ticket not for money, but for 30 squats. We shot a video for them, which got over 3,000,000 views.
On the eve of the Olympic Games in Sochi, I wanted to bring a little sport into everyday life. Our colleagues from MOST Creative Club decided to install in the subway machine that would issue a ticket not for money, but for 30 squats. We shot a video for them, which got over 3,000,000 views.